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How to Create a Wildlife Friendly Backyard

backyard wildlife


Creating a space that’s welcoming to local fauna not only enhances your surroundings but also contributes to the biodiversity of your area. Here is a simple guide on how to create a wildlife friendly backyard.

Assess Your Space

Evaluating Your Yard

Before you embark on this exciting journey, take the time to evaluate your backyard thoroughly.

  • Survey your backyard: Understand its current condition, including size, existing plants, structures, and potential wildlife habitats.
  • Identify local wildlife: Research the native wildlife species in your area to tailor your backyard to their needs.

Where to Find Information:

  • Local wildlife or nature conservation organizations often provide guides on the native plants and animals in your area.
  • Websites and apps dedicated to local flora and fauna can be excellent resources for identifying native species.

Choose Native Plants

Selecting Native Flora

Selecting the right plants is crucial for attracting and supporting local wildlife.

  • Research native plant species: Identify plants indigenous to your region; they provide food and shelter to local wildlife.
  • Opt for a variety of plants: Choose plants with different blooming seasons to provide year-round sustenance for wildlife.

Materials Needed:

  • Native plants
  • Soil
  • Fertilizer (if necessary)

Tools Needed:

  • Gardening gloves
  • Trowel or spade

Where to Find Information:

  • Nurseries specializing in native plants can provide valuable advice and information on suitable native species for your region.
  • Local botanical gardens often have sections dedicated to native plants and can offer guidance on their selection and care.

Provide Food, Water, and Shelter

Creating Vital Resources

  • Set up bird feeders: Offer various seeds to attract a diversity of birds.
  • Install bird baths or water sources: Ensure wildlife has access to clean water for drinking and bathing.
  • Build birdhouses, bat boxes, and insect hotels: Provide safe havens for various creatures.

Materials Needed:

  • Bird feeders
  • Bird baths
  • Nest boxes, bat boxes, and insect hotel kits

Where to Find Information:

  • Local bird-watching groups or online forums often have resources and recommendations for bird feeders, baths, and nesting boxes suitable for your region.
  • Local wildlife or bird-watching guides can help you identify the types of bird feed and houses to use.

Minimize Chemical Use

Adopting Eco-Friendly Practices

To create a truly wildlife-friendly space, it’s important to minimize the use of harmful chemicals.

  • Avoid pesticides: Reduce or eliminate the use of harmful chemicals to maintain a safe environment for wildlife.
  • Practice organic gardening: Use natural fertilizers and pesticides, or consider making your own.

Materials Needed:

  • Organic fertilizers
  • Natural insect repellents

Where to Find Information:

  • Gardening and eco-conscious websites often have guides on organic pest control and natural fertilizers.
  • Local gardening clubs and eco-groups might conduct workshops on organic gardening practices.

Create Wildlife Corridors

Connecting Habitats

  • Plant hedgerows or create pathways: Establish green corridors using plants or structures to allow wildlife to move freely.
  • Leave some areas wild: Let parts of your yard grow naturally to mimic a more natural habitat.

Materials Needed:

  • Plants suitable for hedgerows
  • Mulch

Where to Find Information:

  • Local environmental organizations may offer guidance on creating wildlife corridors and maintaining natural habitats.
  • Landscaping or gardening books can provide insights into how to create wildlife-friendly paths and natural zones in your yard.


Learning how to create a Wildlife friendly backyard is a rewarding endeavor. Not only do you get to enjoy the beauty of nature up close, but you also play a vital role in conserving local wildlife. By following the steps outlined in this guide and making your outdoor space a haven for various creatures, you can contribute to a healthier, more biodiverse environment. Enjoy the serenity and wonder that a wildlife-friendly backyard brings!

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