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How to Make Homemade Bug Repellent

How to make homemade bug repellent

Creating a Homemade Insect Repellent: Guarding Naturally Against Unwanted Guests


Insects are part of the world’s ecosystem, but that doesn’t mean they’re always welcome in our personal spaces. Whether it’s mosquitoes during summer evenings or flies at a picnic, we often seek ways to keep these pests at bay. This guide will teach you how to make homemade bug repellent . By harnessing the power of natural ingredients, you can create a safe and efficient barrier against unwanted insect visitors.

Understanding the Benefits of Homemade Solutions:

Before delving into the recipe, it’s essential to understand why homemade insect repellents are worth considering. Commercial repellents often contain chemicals that raise concerns about their impact on health and the environment. In contrast, homemade solutions allow you to control the ingredients, ensuring a toxin-free shield that safeguards both your well-being and the planet.

Gathering Essential Ingredients:

Your journey begins with a gathering of key ingredients:

  • Essential Oils: Choose from citronella, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, peppermint, or tea tree oil. These oils have natural repellent properties.
  • Carrier Oil: Opt for coconut oil, jojoba oil, or almond oil to dilute the essential oils and provide a safe application base.
  • Witch Hazel: This natural emulsifier helps distribute the oils evenly and enhances the repellent’s effectiveness.

Preparing Your Workspace:

Creating your insect repellent requires a clutter-free and well-ventilated workspace. Choose an area where you can work comfortably and avoid cross-contamination with food or other substances. Lay out your ingredients and tools:

  • Measuring Spoons: For accurate measurements of carrier oil and witch hazel.
  • Mixing Containers: A small glass bowl or jar to blend the ingredients.
  • Stir Stick: Use a clean stick or utensil for mixing the oils and creating a uniform blend.

Mixing and Blending:

Follow these steps to concoct your homemade insect repellent:

  1. Measure the Carrier Oil: Using a measuring spoon, pour the chosen carrier oil into your mixing container. The carrier oil dilutes the potent essential oils and ensures safe application.
  2. Add Essential Oils: Carefully add your selected essential oils to the carrier oil. For a balanced blend, aim for around 10-30 drops in total, considering a combination of different oils for enhanced efficacy.
  3. Incorporate Witch Hazel: Include a small amount of witch hazel (a teaspoon or so) to the mixture. This natural emulsifier helps the essential oils disperse evenly throughout the solution.
  4. Stir Thoroughly: Use a stir stick to blend the ingredients together, ensuring all components are well-mixed. This step is vital to create a consistent and effective repellent.

Storing Your Homemade Repellent:

Store your creation in a dark glass bottle to protect the potency of the essential oils. Keep the bottle in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. When stored correctly, your homemade repellent can maintain its effectiveness for several weeks.

Applying the Repellent:

Before venturing into insect-prone areas, shake the bottle well to mix the ingredients. Apply a small amount to your skin, avoiding sensitive areas like the eyes and mouth. You can also spray the repellent onto clothing, but do a patch test first to ensure it doesn’t stain. Reapply as needed, especially after swimming or sweating.


Knowing how to make homemade bug repellent is a step toward a more natural and eco-friendly approach to pest control. By harnessing the power of essential oils and natural carriers, you’re not only shielding yourself from unwanted insects but also contributing to a healthier environment. Embrace the benefits of this DIY solution, and remember that in your journey toward a bug-free zone, Mother Nature offers some of the best ingredients.

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